Names on The TC List…

Trilateral Commission

1156 Fifteenth Street NW, Washington DC 20005

Tel: 202-467-5410, Fax: 202-467-5415.

Home page:

No one is quite sure why the Trilateral Commission exists, and less clear about what it does, but critics from the lumpen (non-elite) Right as well as the scholarly Left are certain that it’s important. If you feel that the Democrats and Republicans are two wings of the same party, and that someone else is pulling the strings and laughing all the way to the bank, then Trilateralism is your cup of conspiracy tea. When Reagan pointed out on February 7, 1980 that 19 key members of the Carter administration were Trilateralists, George Bush gingerly dropped his membership. And by 1992 some observers were getting curious about Bill Clinton’s membership.

The Commission is an alliance of top political and economic leaders from North America, Japan, and Western Europe. Their aim is to manage global interdependence between these Big Three in a way that allows the rich to stay rich — probably by discouraging protectionism, nationalism, or any response that would pit the elites of one against the elites of another. The anticipated economic pressures will be deflected downward rather than laterally. Trilateralist Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker put it more bluntly: “The standard [of living] of the average American has to decline.”

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Treasonous agenda of the Trilateral Commission

By Devvy Kidd
© 2008

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.”

– Zbigniew Brzeninski, National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter and President Bush as co-chairman of the Bush National Security Advisery Task Force; executive director of the Trilateral Commission

My column last week focused on the Council on Foreign Relations and their anti-American agenda. This treasonous operation is another one of the tentacles birthed by the elitists out to destroy our constitutional republic, turn us into a democracy (America is not a democracy!) and eventually merge all nations into a “one world government.”

This is real – it is not a conspiracy theory, it is a heinous agenda that is all but complete except for the passage of CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement), FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas) and nullification of the Second Amendment. If Bush gets his way and CAFTA and FTAA are ratified, you will see another gigantic sucking sound of millions more American jobs going south of the Hemisphere. So far, Utah appears to be the only state to recognize the danger of this destructive treaty (FTAA).

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